We love to help

At 1185, we go all out to help filmmakers turn their visions into reality, which includes using our experience to help you raise finance and access vital funding streams that can make the difference between getting the green light and getting shown the door. We aim to make the process more accessible and ultimately successful for all our partners.

We may be able to provide gap funding, secured against minimum guarantees, equity investment and tax break/expenditure credit cashflow, or help you successfully bring EIS or SEIS investment into your project. It’s never easy to raise film funding, but 1185 can help you to close the complex deals that get your project over the line. 

Our consulting services

Raising the finance to make a film happen can be complicated and time-consuming, and demands a wide range of skills and experience. Many films stumble because they don’t have the partners to put together a financing package. Strong financial and legal skills are often needed to close complex funding deals, while production must be monitored closely to prevent the budget spinning out of control.

That’s where we can help, by sharing the expertise we’ve built up over many years. Led by our CEO Nick Franco, we’ve helped finance a number of projects that we have produced or co-produced, including Paul Duane’s indie horror film All You Need Is Death, distributed by XYZ Films. 

Our team

EIS and SEIS funding

Enterprise Investment Schemes (EIS) and Seed Enterprise Investment Schemes (SEIS) can still be used successfully for film. 

The most effective way for private investors to invest in film projects is through film funds, which are structured as Enterprise Investment Schemes (EIS). The EIS was specifically designed to encourage people to invest in shares of small, unlisted but high-risk companies such as those producing independent British films.

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